Friday, June 21, 2013

Luxe Lifestyle: Real Estate

 Last week, I posted the exciting news that we were listing our home for sale.  Well, in just over a week's time, things have gotten pretty real.  And though nothing is for certain yet, we are possibly getting close to some big changes.  Before now, I've tried not to become too serious about the next home.  I didn't want to get emotionally invested in a place before I knew we were moving for sure.  And I still get sad when I think about moving from our current home!  But as we start an inital search, it is reassuring to know that there is an abundance of great homes to choose from.  Do we go Key West, Bermuda or Mediterranean style?? So many amazing homes in our area with some amazing architectual details! Pecky cyprus ceilings, expansive balconies, lush bougainvillea trellises, and courtyard pools. Now if we could just combine them all for the perfect house!

Some pics from the homes for sale I've stumbled upon in my search:


What's your favorite??

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